Whether you want to avoid a jurisdiction's regulatory oversight or comply with it, Netki's DeFi Sentinel can:
1. Make any DeFi contract regulatory compliant
2. Protect your project, developers, and community from regulatory risk and liability
3. Maximally preserve the privacy of your users
Netki's DeFi Sentinel can make complex and robust compliance decisions using combinations of on chain and off chain data supporting Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti Money Laundering (AML), Securities and other controls for on chain protocols and transactions.
The access token includes smart contract, wallet, and timestamp information to signal to a smart contract that it's specific compliance requirements have been met.
One time implementation of Sentinel in a smart contract or protocol allows for real time changes to Sentinel's rule set without needing further changes or updates to the smart contract itself. A one time implementation provides flexibility for future regulatory changes or other enhancements.
All personal and other data required for decision making is securely stored off chain to maintain privacy as well as well as provide an audit trail and other data as required by regulations.
DeFi Sentinel has been designed to be highly flexible to meet the unique needs of your project. Whether you want to simply exclude users from certain jurisdictions, or manage complex regulatory requirements through customizable automated workflows, DeFi Sentinel can meet your requirements with a minimum of effort required from your development team.